Light Up 7 Charts A Better Tomorrow With The Malaysian Institute of Accountants

Nov 8, 2023

2023 is yet another great year for Light Up 7 as this marks our second consecutive year managing the MIA International Accountants Conference 2023 (MIA Conference 2023), following our success with the event back in 2022. Centred around the theme “Future Fit Profession: Charting A Better Tomorrow”, the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) had organised this year’s conference on 13 and 14 June 2023 at the esteemed KLCC Convention Centre.

Datuk Bazlan Osman giving his speech

A diverse array of local and international industry experts were brought together to share their valuable insights via the physical event and also through virtual channels. MIA Conference 2023 aims to empower accounting professionals to remain resilient and adaptable in the face of future challenges. Hence, various key topics ranging from “Technology: Advancing the Profession to the Next Level” to “Reinventing Leadership for Future Sustainability” were addressed to ensure a better tomorrow for the profession.

Ongoing panel session

With that, Light Up 7 had played a pivotal role in ensuring the hybrid panel sessions were conducted smoothly without any disruptions. Our dedicated team members were able to effectively handle three concurrent virtual streams, thereby successfully conducting a seamless flow of discussions and a smooth experience for all. 

Thanks to the skillful and dedicated team over at Light Up 7, the event was carried out without a hitch and we had also successfully garnered at least over a total of 800 online attendees as well. Their expertise and attention to detail were one of the factors which made this 2-day event a success. With this, we hope to have more opportunities in being a part of not just the upcoming conferences but also other events which will be held by MIA in the near future.

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