Light Up 7 ‘Exceeds Expectations’ with the Release of its Raya Video

May 29, 2020

A video released by digital marketing agency, Light Up 7, highlights what it’s like celebrating Hari Raya while stopping the spread of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19). Considering the video was produced entirely by a small marketing agency, it was lauded for achieving the quality that it did with its in-house talent alone. A mere 6 days after publication, the video not only ranked No. 1 on YouTube (On 27th May 2020), but has also garnered a total of 105K views (on Youtube, Facebook and Instagram), as of 29 May 2020.


No. 1 Position in YouTube Search Results


The video, titled Cov-Eid 20, is centered around a character named Izzat and his colleagues who are making the best of the situation at hand. With most Malaysians unable to “balik kampung”, Covid-19 has dampened the spirit of Hari Raya or Eid. The video showcased what the holiday looks like during the global pandemic, proving that it can still be enjoyed with social distancing guidelines in place. Moreover, the video injects some much needed positivity and humour into this difficult time.


Behind the scenes images from “Cov-Eid 20” film


The purpose of the video is about more than just coming to terms with the current situation by following preventative measures; it is also about exploring silver linings and having a good time. The video is a testament to the fact that it is indeed possible to stay safe and enjoy the spirit of Hari Raya at the same time.

The idea for this video was created with precautionary measures in mind. Many production agencies have struggled to continue operating on the same level as usual after adjusting to the new normal and, as a result, are facing difficulties that have forced them to shut down. Light Up 7 took this opportunity to prove that the industry is not doomed to fail. Great quality can still be achieved with the resources available at hand when dedication, teamwork and creativity is involved.

Watch the video below:


Agency: Light Up 7
Copywriter: Yasmin Zaini
Producer: Usaid Ghassan
Film Director and Editor: Arif Yusri
Assistant Director: Ammar Solihin
Director of Photography: Luqmannul Hafiz
Talents: Light Up 7 Staff