Light Up 7 shines the spotlight on the 1st Virtual Bursa Marketplace Fair

Jul 12, 2021

In the age of movement control orders and global pandemics, how do we continue to engage our audiences with fairs and events?

With the recent enhanced movement order that was recently imposed in the Klang Valley, Light Up 7 thought up several ways to bring the 1st Virtual Bursa Marketplace Fair to life via an online event platform. Bursa Malaysia had awarded the agency the opportunity thanks to our experience in virtual event management and additional services to help bring the event to the forefront of attendees’ minds. Namely, through the use of online engagement tools like quizzes and tournaments as well inviting speakers from some of the biggest businesses in Malaysia to give their insights on investment.

1st Virtual Bursa Marketplace Fair

To start off, a robust digital marketing campaign brought in more than 12,000 attendees, which was well over the initial goal of 5000. Seeing the uptick of registrations, Light Up 7 amped up its efforts to accommodate the large number of attendees with engaging quizzes and ensuring that invited speakers had a near real-time connection to listeners.

First impressions matter, of course, which was why the virtual lobby of the 1st Virtual Bursa Marketplace Fair was given a 3D interactive feel. Designed, animated and programmed to feel like a sleek conference hall lobby, exhibitor booths and banners were given unique displays. Periodic announcements throughout the event also drew attendees’ attention to the other talks and engagement opportunities available without disrupting what was presented on screen.

One could say it was almost as if it were a real, on-ground event.

Exhibitor booths featured similar functions as their real-world counterparts: with virtual flyers, information leaflets and a host of other information presented in an interactive and engaging format. As this was an event that was focused on investment, this also gave exhibitors the chance to promote their own investment opportunities to attendees.

To keep spirits high and the atmosphere fun, a series of giveaways were planned where attendees could stand a chance to win attractive prizes by simply engaging with the talks from invited speakers. More excitingly, attendees’ knowledge was tested in a series of fun interactive quizzes. Fashioned after a game show, attendees would compete to earn the most points and declare themselves the winners of a cash prize at the end of the event.

To help promote the event, Light Up 7 also created content for the event, which garnered [ REACH, IMPRESSIONS, ETC. ]. The 12,000+ strong registrations also came with a registration of 47%, higher than initial, anticipated calculations at the beginning of the campaign.

But what’s a virtual event without the professionalism of the real-world crew who had brought the event to life in the first place? Other areas were bolstered by the Light Up 7 team, including resource management, web development, technical support, event livestreaming and more. This also included the expertise of Light Up 7’s production crew who handled both live-recordings and pre-recorded material to work in tandem with the content displayed on the virtual event platform.

The 1st Virtual Bursa Marketplace Fair had several other metrics tracked, which was included in Light Up 7’s scope of work, including participant attendance, exhibitor engagement, quiz engagement, and more. Bursa Malaysia had left a glowing review of Light Up 7’s efforts, securing a high ROI for the event in question.

If you’re looking to host your own virtual online event, why not contact Light Up 7 and begin collaborating today?